Natural Herbs For Diabetes Print

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My people perish for lack of knowledge. Hosea 4:6 For all of you who desire answers to physical problems and desire to build better health naturally here is some information on the historical use of herbs.

The natural Pure Herbs information shared below about arthritis is an excerpt from the book Herbal Extracts: Build A Better Health With Liquid Herbs.

This information is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice by licensed physicians. A reader should consult a physician regularly in all matters relating to medical problems, especially in matters of diagnosing, treating or curing diseases or other physical or mental conditions.

Herbs are plant food substances. This is not a scientific definition, it is a practitioners definition. It is used by the people who make recommendations about how to build better health naturally. Herbs have been used since people began eating. They are not new and they were used long before there were people who called themselves doctors or scientists and they worked and they still do. There is a solution to every physical problem. It was meant to be that way. It is not experimental.

Since there are so many physical differences between us, it stands to reason one herb may do more for a certain person than another but do not despair. There is an herb for you too.

Often there are many herbs that are especially helpful for you, just waiting, to be discovered. Luckily when eating an herb if the wrong one is taken, nothing much happens and if you do eat too much of it, body mechanisms usually reject it and you leave it alone. Part of the fun is discovering your herb or herbs and in the process an acquaintance with herbs that help other people is gained.

One of the ways to tell what an herb will do is to taste a little of it. This is much easier to do with a liquid herb than a tablet or a capsule but in any case it should be done before you ask anyone else to try an herb so it will at least be known if what the label says is in the bottle, is in the bottle.

Please accept this offer to build better health naturally. The information was written because you are respected and appreciated, and loved. Someone does care about you and would like to see you well. Herbs are your birthright.

Discover yours.

-- Dr. A.B. Howard

Blueberry Leaf | 1st Pure Herb for Diabetes

Long used by the Finns, in the upper peninsula of Michigan, USA, as a cure for diabetes. Also useful in urinary complaints, fluid retention and as a blood building tonic. Blueberry Leaf combines well with the herb Lapacho, if desired, taken with and at the same rate as Blueberry leaf.

Dose | 40 drops to 1 tsp. 3 times per day

To order this pure herb Blueberry Leaf, click here.

Cranesbill | 2nd Pure Herb for Diabetes

Derives its name from its appearance after its flower petals drop and its resulting resemblance to the bird bill of a crane or stork. Don't under estimate the ability of the root of this wild geranium. Cranesbill does not resemble the tame geranium in appearance or smell. It is a distinctly different plant. Cranesbill stops diarrhea, shrinks and dissolves tumors; powerful, non-irritating astringent for after shave. Beauty aid -- removes wrinkles due to enlarged pores and skin abuse. Apply after cleansing of skin and before moisturizer.

Female system restorer, also useful in menstrual complications, night sweats, relaxed vagina, relaxed rectum, weeping sores, in potentially fatal cholera [intestinal dehydration], diabetes and mercury poisoning. For sore mouth and bleeding gums, rub on area for relief.

Dose | 20 to 40 drops three to four times per day and or apply externally as desired. For more serious problems, internally 1 tsp. to 1 tbl. 3 to 4 times per day. Make sure to use a good bowel management program with this to clean out the wastes Cranesbill dissolves to prevent sick feelings.

To order this Pure Herb Cranesbill, click here.

Culver's Root | 3rd Pure Herb for Diabetes

Culver's/black root is a native North American plant is well established in Native American herbal medicine. In France, the herb is known, and appreciated, as Veronique and in Germany, as Leptandrawurzel. This pure herb Black Root was introduced by Dr. Culver into white man's medicine and is hence also known as Culver's Root.

In the South, where it is still used extensively in folk medicine, it is known as Black Root. The very broad range of maladies, with seemingly no specific origin, which respond favorably to this herb, make it easy to understand why it is so widely and effectively used throughout the South for many kinds of the miseries.

Certainly, Black Root is, observably, a good bowel cleaner, but much more. It also works especially well on the vital area of the duodenum [first 12 inches of the small intestine], where acid treated food from the stomach meets with the anti-acid secretions in the small intestine and produce a great deal of the body's heat.

It is vital to the body that this area be balanced between acid and anti-acid activities, otherwise so many kinds of unpleasant disorders and just plain, feeling bad and miseries can occur. Black Root works on lazy and or congested conditions of the stomach, liver, gall bladder, pancreas, both the small and large intestines and restores them to normal and balanced activity.

Here is a partial list of disorders for which Black Root is given effectively: to remedy fevers [including serious types], expel worms, jaundice [yellow whites of eyes and skin due to congested liver and gall bladder and or infection], swollen glands, infant diarrhea, chronic constipation, syphilitic impurities, sallow complexion, dull frontal headache, thick and white coated tongue and to remedy the condition of pleurisy [excess fluid accumulation around lungs and or heart, with stabbing pain and shortness of breath, short, dry cough, chilliness].

Dose | 40 to 80 drops each evening. Follow with a little juice, if desired, as its taste is bitterish and somewhat acrid. In stubborn cases, take 3 times per day.

In serious cases, give hourly, as needed, 10 to 40 drops and at the same time rub into affected areas, [abdominal and or chest areas] in quantity needed to cover the area.

To order this Pure Herb Culver's Root, click here.

False Unicorn Root | 4th Pure Herb for Diabetes

The uses are as varied as they are useful. When kidneys lose protein into the urine, as in Bright's disease, large, persisting bubbles remain on top of the urine.

This is corrected by False Unicorn Root; as is the condition known as diabetes. When there is an agony or lack of tone in the kidneys or uterus, think False Unicorn Root; as well as in relaxed vagina. Nor are the healing powers of this root confined to the female system. Prostate problems, as well as involuntary loss of semen without orgasm, yield to False Unicorn Root.

It can be used to correct almost any problem in the reproductive system of either the male or female body. So gentle is this root, that it is also used for a stomach that would reject almost anything else to repair it. If this were not enough, tape worms have been expelled by its use.

When mixed with Crampbark, fertility has occurred in the most amazing cases where it was thought absolutely impossible due to a variety of good medical reasons. Please, do not use for pregnancy or impotency until the general system is strong enough to bear such activity. When used to promote fertility, mix with Crampbark.

Dose | 40 drops 3 times per day for the prospective mother and father, taken faithfully for up to a year, if necessary

To order this Pure Herb False Unicorn Root, click here.

Jerusalem Artichoke | 5th Pure Herb for Diabetes

These are actually the tubers, or potatoes, on the roots of tall growing, small, yellow flowered, wild sunflowers. They require no insulin hormone, from the pancreas, for their digestion, and, as such, are a safe source of carbohydrate for use by diabetics or those suffering from low blood sugar.

This sunflower is probably one of the most competitive, successful plants in nature. Once you get a start of the plant in your garden, it spreads from its roots with great determination and is hard to kill. An excellent source of food for all.

One of its primary virtues is a very active enzyme system. The digestive body processes receive a direct and immediate boost. You do not have to be diabetic to use this food from the roots of the wild sunflower.

Dose | 40 drops after each meal. In more serious cases, one teaspoonful after meals.

To order this Pure Herb Jerusalem Artichoke, click here.

Protein | 6th Pure Herb for Diabetes

[High quality pre-digested protein fraction of milk] Milk has often been introduced as nature's most perfect food. It probably would be if it could be digested. 18% of the North American population, for instance, has a milk intolerance to cow's milk. That means, for them, milk is a foreign substance that cannot be properly digested. Hence, allergies, skin problems, colds, flu and worse occur.

This is unfortunate when a person cannot eat the food that might help them. Milk was meant to be a fully sustaining diet for the young, in humans, for at least the first six months. Now, if you could find a way to digest milk, it could become one of the most important protein sources in the diet. A way has been found. Digestive enzymes [proteins that break down food substances] have been added to the finest proteins in milk.

The result is a life-sustaining source of very high quality protein with very few calories. Remember, cancer patients die, finally, unless mishandled through ignorance, from protein starvation. This can be prevented by giving an adequate protein intake of high quality digested protein.

For the normal person who wishes to slow down the ravages of aging and its sorrows, protein, vitamins and minerals come to the rescue. Take enough so that you see the difference. For training athletes, a protein supplement, plus protein in the regular food, gives a double intake of protein for rapid development. Heal injuries and surgical operations quickly with increased protein intake.

To stabilize high or low blood sugar levels, an adequate amount of high quality protein intake, taken frequently and well digested, is vital for normalization of either condition. For young women developing tissue integrity, protein is a must. It may take several months to re-develop true natural stamina from adding adequate protein to the diet, or longer, if under continuing stress. Think about it.

A person could have gotten worse under stress. To not get worse and actually get ahead of the game is quite something. At any rate, what else would you have been doing? Hence, be patient and rich rewards will be yours, my friend.

Dose | 40 to 80 drops, daily, following meals, or if need be, in place of meals. If diabetic [high blood sugar] or hypoglycemic [low blood sugar], then up to 1 tsp. or more taken 5 times per day

To order this Pure Herb Protein, click here.

Elecampane | 7th Pure Herb for Diabetes

Uses | Sugar diabetes, mucous membrane irritation, heaviness of pelvic organs, bronchial complaints, tonic, expectorant, emmenagogue [encourage menstrual flow], diuretic, sweating, deobstruent, skin disorders The mystery of sickness has long plagued mankind. There is little doubt that most of our systems today need what the car industry jargon calls a major overhaul. Indeed, most of us could use this and Elecampane performs just that service. With the pure herb Elecampane, parts of the body are cleaned, renewed and reset for proper function.

Since the time of the Greeks, Elecampane has discovered its use in diabetes. They declared it to correct the sweetness of the urine. Elecampane is a powerful herb much sought after in the field of herbalogy. It may be employed to promote the correct function of the organs of the body.

Elecampane, gentian, juniper berry, and ginger perform powerful service for failing digestive systems as a digestaid. Since the time of the noted herbalist, Nicholas Culpepper in medieval England, Elecampane has been used for fluid retention, firming gums and lessening tooth decay. In conditions where the body is wasting away, Elecampane and echinacea will restore new vigor and zest for life.

Dosage | 10 to 40 drops after meals. If on insulin, advise the prescribing physician so the insulin dose can be reduced as the sugar problem is corrected.

Sources | Alma R. Hutchens, Indian Herbalogy of North America; Dr. John R. Christopher, School of Natural Healing; William Boericke, Materia Medica.

To order the Pure Herb Elecampane, click here.

Hibiscus Flowers | 8th Pure Herb for Diabetes

Contain an astonishingly large amount of two valuable trace mineral elements, chromium and selenium. While it is true that many sea vegetables do contain these trace elements as well, no other single herb has been found with levels as high for these two vital trace elements combined, as in the flower petals of this splendid tropical and sub-tropical flower.

In order for us to tolerate and use the glucose [blood sugar] normally present in our blood stream, chromium is needed so the nerves and brain can function properly.

The body makes a substance with chromium in it called glucose tolerance factor. With this glucose tolerance factor the body can then produce and use the hormone, correcting the disease condition know as sugar diabetes [where insulin is not produced in sufficient quantity or even at all].

The trace element selenium functions much like the oil based vitamin complex known collectively as vitamin e, when it comes to destroying harmful cancer causing compounds in the body, known as free radicals.

Selenium does this by protecting the genetic machinery of the cell nucleus or cell headquarters, when it is in the process of division to form new body cells. Selenium also corrects heart and circulatory diseases by preventing the break down of the circulatory system.

Dose | 40 to 80 drops 3 times per day

To order this Pure Herb Hibiscus Flower, click here.

Yarrow | 9th Pure Herb for Diabetes

Uses | Vulnerary [healing], stimulant, tonic, diuretic, high blood sugar The honorable Greek hero of legend, Achilles, said the juice from fresh Yarrow put into the eye will take away redness. The American Indian knew Yarrow as a swift remedy for the rundown feeling and indigestion.

He further used Yarrow as a remedy for increasing the urinary flow from the kidneys. Although sweating has become socially unacceptable, it is essential to the health of the skin. For those able, sauna and exercise are recommended. Yarrow settles nerves and thus reduces high blood pressure. It relieves shortness of breath and wasting of spinal marrow.

Its list of successes is legion. Beneficial results in this partial list confirm its revered status among herbalists: childhood diseases, including infant diarrhea, uterus problems, Bright's disease [egg white material in the urine], gas, piles, sore nipples, fistulas, flu and hair loss. Yarrow may be taken for involuntary loss of urine, bed wetting, spitting up of blood, as a nervine and as a remedy for common colds and high blood sugar.

Dosage | 30 to 60 drops three times per day in fluid or under the tongue

Sources |Dr. Eugene C. Watkins, Get Well With Natural Remedies

To order this Pure Herb Yarrow, click here.

DB.8-W | 10th Pure Herb for Diabetes

This is a combination herb. [diabetic 8] The eight herbs of this combination are all known to have, by themselves, corrected high blood sugar for many individuals. Every case of high blood sugar is not alike.

There are different causes that can plague the pancreas and its proper production of the hormone insulin to break down blood sugar and provide energy for the nerves and brain. The idea here is to put all the known solutions into one team and use a double-barreled-Texas-shot-gun approach to clearing the hall; point both barrels, close your eyes, squeeze the triggers and let the problem have it.

Although the complete knowledge of how some herbs work is not fully known, we can tell by what they do, something about how they work.

In this combination herb DB.8-W we have the following pure herbs. The Pure Herb Lapacho that is known to kill and dissolve bad cells sometimes known as cancer.

Elecampane cleans and reconditions the entire digestive and respiratory system. All things generally work better when they are clean. Mugwort is known to kill parasites, including those that can affect the pancreas.

Golden Seal is an herb that can perform many functions of discretion depending on what it finds to be corrected: lowering blood sugar, performing as a first rate antibiotic, as well as reducing inflammation of veins and arteries.

Blueberry Leaf may provide minerals and trace elements that correct pancreatic function, as well as cleaning and toning of the area.

Bugleweed helps the body retain valuable protein leaking through the kidneys and thus, helps stabilize blood sugar if high or low.

Gentian is a digestaid that gives direct assistance to the pancreas, as well as the stomach, liver, gall bladder and small intestine.

Yarrow provides a rich mineral array that calms and repairs the nerves, including those that go to the pancreas. The idea here is, just about any contingency is covered and something, or the combination of some things there of, is bound to work and may do so powerfully.

Combination includes | Lapacho, Yarrow, Blueberry Leaf, lecampane, Golden Seal, Gentian, Mugwort, Bugleweed

Dose | 40 to 80 drops, 3 to 4 times per day

To order this Pure Herb DB.8-W click here.

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