Are You or Your Pet Full Of Aluminum? Print

You may have read or heard of news articles about aluminum being a possible cause of Alzheimer’s disease, paranoia and learning disabilities. Alzheimer's disease robs one of memory and life. It has to be one of the most terrible and dehumanizing things that torments our modern society.

Aluminum has a special affinity or liking for the brain and nervous system and heads straight for them. This pollutes and interrupts their function. Herbal practitioners have also confirmed that the glandular functions of many men and women have been restored when aluminum contamination is flushed from the body.

Many baffling and confusing conditions that have not responded to anything all of a sudden clear up. You may ask, ‘Where does all this aluminum contamination come from?’

That is a fair question. Here are a few of the most common sources: soda pop, beer, etc. in aluminum cans, baking powder used in our baked goods, aluminum drying agents in powdered food to prevent caking, aluminum cookware, baked potatoes and other foods baked in aluminum, over-the-counter preparations for upset stomach that contain aluminum-hydroxide, industrial manufacturing processes that dump aluminum into our air and water and don’t forget one of the worst things for a woman’s body, underarm antiperspirants made with aluminum-chlorhydrate.

You have to figure whatever you put under your arm will wind up in the breasts and other parts of the body. You can see this is especially bad for
women, and imagine the problems it can cause with the breasts. Put another way, we can safely say that most cancers in the body are caused by poisons.

Perhaps a little aluminum now and then does no great harm, but constant use of it, especially from so many man-made resources, can constitute a health threat. It is not just people who suffer from aluminum poisoning.

You hear much these days about bones not being able to retain enough calcium. It may interest you to know that aluminum competes with calcium for absorption in the body and lowers the female hormone, estrogen. Our dogs and cats fall prey to this aluminum contamination as well.

Manufacturers of pet food, especially the dry type in bits, commonly use aluminum to keep it dry. Interestingly enough, despite all the piles of scientific evidence from animal hair and skin analyses, our Food and Drug Administration and the National Institute for Health have shown no interest in investigating this situation.

If you notice that your pet has dry lusterless hair, is listless, has no energy, chewing wallboards and such and attempting to catch unseen things
in the air, suspect aluminum poisoning. Their blood tests quite often show, along with aluminum, pancreas, liver and kidney damage. Home-made dog foods can help a lot.

For people and pets, the use of sea vegetables, especially one known as Bladderwrack, does wonders for flushing aluminum out of the body. This can be added to one’s diet rather easily. For a person, 10 to 40 drops of a type of algae, liquid Bladderwrack [known as an extract] or one to four capsules per meal.

And for a pet, depending on size, one to ten drops per meal or one to four capsules per day. While you are detoxifying dangerous metals, it may
also be wise to keep in mind using still another type of algae. Chlorella can be used to detoxify heavy metals such as mercury or lead. Where you find one type of metal poisoning, you often find others.

Chlorella can be taken in the same amounts as Bladderwrack. Please be patient. It may take awhile, even months, but at least it is comforting to know you are on the right road. Is it any wonder that our bodies have become polluted as we have polluted the earth with our modern drive for profit and better living through chemistry? Thank the Creator that herbal remedies have been provided for the relief of maladies of our
own making!

Remember When and Golden Days are Pure Herbs that are useful in removing metals/aluminum from the body.

This article was excerpted from the April 2011 Pure Herbs newsletter.

— Dr. Watkins